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  • Brammer

    Brammer is your first choice for quality industrial maintenance, repair and overhaul products. Europe’s leading specialist distributor, we operate Ireland nationwide, offering guaranteed delivery and a local service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Working in partnership with you and your team we’ll also help you increase your production efficiency whilst helping to reduce the total cost of component acquisition and reduce your working capital.

    www.brammer.ie - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 1799
  • Omidfar Industrial Goods

    The SKF group a worldwide corporation SKF in an international industrial Group operating in some 130 countries and is world in bearings. The company was founded in 1907 following the invention of the self-aligning Ball bearing by Sven Wingquist and, after only a few years, SKF began to expand all over the world. Today, SKF has some 45000 employees and around 80 manufacturing facilities spread throughout the world. An international sales network includes a large number of sales companies and some 7 000 distributors and retailers. Worldwide availability of SKF products is supported by a comprehensive technical advisory service.

    www.omidfar.ir - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 2637
  • PT. Yuan Wira Perdana

    PT. Yuan Wira Perdana is an Engineering and Services company which specializes in machine components, systems and services for industrial applications.

    www.yuanwira.com - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 1939

    This company was established in 1998 as an Authorized Distributor FAG Bearings In 2005 we become Authorized Distributor for INA - FAG Bearings. Schaeffler Group as Our Principal announced that we are Sole Distributor for Oil & Gas and Power Plant for Indonesian Region in 2007. In 2013, we became Sole Distributor for FLC Power Transmission.

    www.fortuna-anekamulti.co.id - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 2307
  • Asian Bearindo Jaya PT

    PT. Asian Bearindo Jaya is an official distributor of INA-FAG bearings in Surabaya, Indonesia, focusing on providing the quality products and the best service to the market. Besides INA-FAG, we also provide various bearing brands and types from Europe, USA, Japan and China. Ball bearings, spherical roller bearings, needle bearings and linear bearings are just a few of the items you will find in stock.

    www.asianbearindojaya.com - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 2157

    SIA \"Laudorts\" jau vairāk kā 10 gadus nodarbojas ar gultņu, blīvslēgu, uc. tehnisko komponentu piegādi un izplatīšanu Latvijā. Mēs piedāvājam klientiem, kā vadošo FAG, SKF, TIMKEN u.c. orģinālproduktus, tā arī kvalitatīvus tehniskus produktus no Spānijas, Čehijas, Krievijas, Ķīnas, Indijas par adekvātām cenām. Ilgstoša laika periodā ir izveidots plašs korporatīvo, kā arī individuālo klientu loks, kas vienmēr spēj novērtēt mūsu sniegto pakalpojumu kvalitāti un operativitāti.

    www.laudorts.lv - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 1924
  • Ignera | Motion solutions

    Craft Bearings ir kompānija ar lielu pieredzi gultņu un ķēžu ražošanas jomā. Plašs produkcijas sortiments un pieņemamas cenas, kas atbilst ekonomiskajām un tehniskajām prasībām. Noliktavās tiek komplektēts plašs Craft Bearing gultņu un rūpniecisko ķēžu klāsts, kas paredzēts elektrisko dzinēju, mehānismu, konveijeru u.c. iekārtu sērijveida ražošanai. Produkcija tiek ražota ievērojot standartu ISO 9001:2000.

    www.ignera.lv - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 1858
  • SIA I un A Gultņi

    \"IunA Gultņi\" piedāvā klientiem kvalitatīvas, mūsdienīgas preces un pakalpojumus.

    www.iuna.lv - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 1779
  • Gultnis, SIA

    SIA GULTNIS piedāvā plašā sortimentā gultņus, ziedes, apkopes instrumentus, mērinstrumentus, eļļošanas sistēmas, kā arī iekārtu tehniskās apkopes pakalpojumus.

    www.gultnis.lv - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 2236
  • N.T.P. Union

    Prodhuesi: SKF. N.T.P UNION - Rr. Ahmet Krasniqi P.N, 10000 Prishtine Tel: +381 38 604 672. Tel: +377 44 301 726 , E-mail: infounion@yahoo.com. Me shume.

    www.skfunion.com - 2015-12-25 - Favorite
    Browse: 2806