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bearing company directory

bearing company directory

  • Dobikar LTD

    Dobikar LTD is a trade company, specialized in trading with bearings and bearing units, seals, belts.

    www.dobikar.com - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • TBS Trade d.o.o.

    Ovlašteni distributer za SKF, FASING S.A., MOJ S.A.

    www.tbstrade.ba - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • Lezaj Trade d.o.o.

    Ležaj Trade d.o.o. Sarajevo – već dugi niz godina vodeći distributer industrijskih i auto ležajeva najrenomiranijih svjetskih proizvođača.

    www.lezajtrade.ba - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • CLK Interpromet d.o.o.

    CLK-INTERPROMET D.O.O. posluje od 1996g., kao najveći Distributer SKF grupacije na području Bosne i Hercegovine. BANNER ponovo pobjednik! Ocjena za kapacitet 4,6 ponena Ocjena za dopunjavanje 5,0 ponena Zbirna ocjena 4,3

    clkm.com.ba - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • Fini Lager S.A.

    Finilager nació a principios de la década de los setenta y se caracterizó siempre por tener un espíritu emprendedor y visionario, prueba de ello fue iniciar las actividades comerciales poniendo de ciudad central a Santa Cruz de la Sierra que para ese entonces no era la principal ciudad de Bolivia pero que empezaba a dar pautas de un desarrollo vertiginoso y sostenible. Con el pasar de los años, Finilager consolidó presencia en el eje troncal del país y fue ofreciendo a los bolivianos soluciones automotrices e industriales siempre con productos originales y de la calidad que sólo las principales marcas del mundo ofrecían.

    www.finilager.com.bo - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • Bovy Roulements S.A.

    Roulements et outillage Tous types, toutes marques Bagues d\'étanchéité Paliers Guidage linéaire

    bovysa.be - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • MTK+ Bearing Factory NV

    TK+ Bearing Factory NV/SA is a Belgium based manufacturing company, founded in 2005 as the result of a joint-venture between EMS INTERNATIONAL Company and the management of a bearing factory in Romania. Our headquarters are situated in Brussels. Since 2009, MTK+ Bearing Factory NV/SA obtained the ISO 9001 certificate. We are proud to keep one of the largest quality-bearing stocks in Europe. Our well experienced staff is multi-lingual, customer friendly, and always helpful to solve whatever problem or question you might have.

    www.mtk-bearings.com - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • Fairon Bearings International

    Our company is specialized in the import export of spare-parts for industry. We are factory agents and in addition we can offer our customer a large range of brands with the best ratio quality/price. Located in Brussels for 65 years, we are continually seeking for reliable suppliers to find the answer to our customer’s questions. Our priorities: Customers satisfaction, the good and fast service and our competitive prices.

    www.fairon-bearings-international.com - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
  • NKE Austria GmbH

    NKE AUSTRIA entwickelt und produziert Premium-Qualität-Wälzlager für ein breites Spektrum industrieller Anwendungen.

    www.nke.at - 2015-12-24 - Favorite
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