“Indonesia”bearing company directory
- Afghanistan(0)
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- Korea South(1)
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- Lao People's Republic(0)
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- Malaysia(1)
- Maldives(0)
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- Philippines(0)
- Qatar(0)
- Republic of Uzbekistan(0)
- Saudi Arabia(0)
- Singapore(3)
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- Syrian Arab Republic(0)
- Tajikistan(0)
- Thailand(2)
- Turkey(17)
- Turkmenistan(0)
- United Arab Emirates(6)
- Vietnam(0)
- Yemen(0)
- Taiwan(1)
- Indonesia(3)
“Indonesia”bearing company directory

PT. Yuan Wira Perdana
PT. Yuan Wira Perdana is an Engineering and Services company which specializes in machine components, systems and services for industrial applications.
www.yuanwira.com - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1938 -
This company was established in 1998 as an Authorized Distributor FAG Bearings In 2005 we become Authorized Distributor for INA - FAG Bearings. Schaeffler Group as Our Principal announced that we are Sole Distributor for Oil & Gas and Power Plant for Indonesian Region in 2007. In 2013, we became Sole Distributor for FLC Power Transmission.
www.fortuna-anekamulti.co.id - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:2306 -
Asian Bearindo Jaya PT
PT. Asian Bearindo Jaya is an official distributor of INA-FAG bearings in Surabaya, Indonesia, focusing on providing the quality products and the best service to the market. Besides INA-FAG, we also provide various bearing brands and types from Europe, USA, Japan and China. Ball bearings, spherical roller bearings, needle bearings and linear bearings are just a few of the items you will find in stock.
www.asianbearindojaya.com - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR: