“Europe”bearing company directory
- Albania(0)
- Andorra(0)
- Austria(5)
- Belarus(1)
- Belgium(9)
- Bosnia Hercegovina(3)
- Bulgaria(11)
- Croatia(0)
- Czech Republic(6)
- Denmark(9)
- Estonia(4)
- Faroe Islands(0)
- Finland(5)
- France(6)
- Germany(9)
- Gibraltar(0)
- Greece(4)
- Hungary(8)
- Iceland(0)
- Ireland(6)
- Italy(7)
- Latvia(4)
- Liechtenstein(0)
- Lithuania(6)
- Luxembourg(0)
- Macedonia(0)
- Malta(0)
- Moldova(0)
- Monaco(0)
- Netherlands(7)
- Norway(7)
- Poland(8)
- Portugal(8)
- Romania(8)
- Russian Federation(4)
- San Marino(0)
- serbia(6)
- Slovakia(7)
- Slovenia(6)
- Spain(22)
- Sweden(7)
- Switzerland(6)
- Ukraine(2)
- United Kingdom(35)
- Vatican City State(0)
- Kosovo(1)
“Europe”bearing company directory

Dansk Kugleleje Center A/S
A/S Dansk Kugleleje Center er en dynamisk virksomhed, med en generations erfaring med kugle- og rullelejer. Vi er en uafhængig leverandør, med alle gængse lejetyper på lager. Mere specielle lejetyper leverer vi også, dog med en kortere leveringstid: DKC har løbende kontakt med de fleste betydende lejeproducenter i både den østlige og vestlige verden. Derfor kan du få lejer af enhver slags, præcis i den ønskede kvalitet, og altid til en fornuftig pris.
www.danskkuglelejecenter.dk - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:2187 -
Varson OÜ
Varson Osaühing alustas tegevust 1994 aastal. Algusaastatel müüsime peamiselt kuullaagreid. Lähtusime müügitöös otseselt kliendi vajadustest ning sageli tuli sobiva laagri hankimiseks läbida üsna keerukad hankimise teed. Klient sai meilt alati selle mida ta vajas. Nüüd ca. 20 aasta jooksul on kasvanud nii Varsoni pakutav nomenklatuur kui ka klientide arv mitmeid kordi. Oleme jõudnud oma kaupade valikuga nii kaugele, et meilt leiate pea kõiki tööstusele vajaminevaid tarvikuid: suur valik laagreid, rihmasid, reduktoreid, tihendeid, kette ja kõikvõimalikke hammasrattaid. Klientidega tegelevad oma ala proffessionaalid, kellel paljudel ka mehaanika alane magistrikraad. Kauplused ja laod on meil nii Tallinnas, Pärnus kui Tartus.
www.varson.ee - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1997 -
MEHHAANIKA komponendid ja kulumaterjalid on määrava tähtsusega igasugusel liikumisel ja masinaehituses. Mis liigub, see ka kulub ! Leidmaks lahendusi, millega kindlustada liikumine võimalikult väiksemate kuludega on vajalikud mitmesugused tagavaraosad - selhulgas laagrid, laagripukid , jõu ülekande komponendid, liugpuksid, remondimaterialid ja
www.moduator.ee - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:2106 -
Kavial OÜ
Our company is specialized in deliveries of the production for all branches of industry: metallurgy and mechanical engineering, mining, automobile manufacturing, agriculture, foodstuff industry and so on. In addition, the individual direction of the activity of our company is the sale of the wide range of the bearings for all means of transport.
www.kavial.ee/en - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:2435 -
OÜ Andry MT
Joomla! - dünaamiline portaali mootor ja sisuhaldussüsteem.
www.andrymt.ee - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1826 -
E. Fox (Engineers) Ltd
E Fox (Engineers) Ltd has gained valuable experience by listening to our customers for over 65 years. We have supplied bearing, transmission, lubrication and related products to all areas of industry from the Heavy Construction & Automotive to the Micro Electronic and Petrochemical Industries.
www.efox.ie - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1857 -
The Reliance Bearing and Gear Co. Ltd
The Reliance Bearing and Gear Company Ltd. is Ireland’s largest Irish owned authorised distributor of mechanical, automation and electrical engineering components. Reliance exclusively represents many world leading manufacturing brands and as a valued partner to our customer base, it is our aim to continually introduce beneficial new technologies to both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
www.reliancebearing.ie - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1966 -
Hydra Seals Hose & Bearings Ltd
Hydra Seals was founded in 1996 by our managing director, Matt McGlynn as a specialist supplier of hydraulic seals and hydraulic fittings, we also carry a wide range of oil seals, O’Rings, ball bearings – including spherical bearings and bearing blocks. We have a wide range of ball bearings on hand at all times. We also stock vee belts, chain & sprockets, hydraulic hose & fittings and electric hose swaging machines as well many other related products.
www.hydraseals.ie - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:2051 -
General Bearing & Seal Co
We at General Bearing and Seal are currently working on our new website which will be ready for online shopping by Christmas 2015. Please bear with us as we work to improve our online presence. In the meantime,
generalbearingandseal.com - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR:
Browse:1713 -
Central Bearing Supplies
Ireland’s largest provider of bearings, belts, pulleys, diamond chain, linear motion and a range of engineering products. We have built a solid reputation as the best on-site service provider in the fluid conveying industry catering for all your pneumatic needs. Central Bearing Supplies is the leading Irish distributor of bearings and transmission products.
www.cbsbearings.com - 2015-12-25 - FavoritePR: